16 May, 2024 16:42

The Board of Directors of FAD International Company invites them shareholders to attend the extraordinary general assembly meeting (first meeting) via modern technology.

Element ListExplanation
Introduction The Board of Directors of FAD International Company is pleased to invite the honorable shareholders to participate and vote in the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting (the first meeting) for the year, which is scheduled to be held through modern technological means, Allah Almighty willing, on Thursday, 29/11/1445 H, at (19:00) corresponding to 06/06/2024.
City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting At the company’s main headquarters located in Jeddah - Al-Andalus District - 6633 Abu Saeed Al-Naqqash Street, postal code 23322, additional number 3934, through modern technological means.
Hyperlink of the Meeting Location Click Here
Date of the General Assembly's Meeting 2024-06-06 Corresponding to 1445-11-29
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting 19:00
Methodology of Convening the General Assembly’s Meeting Via modern technology means
Attendance Eligibility, Registration Eligibility, and Voting End The right to attend shall be for shareholders registered in the register of shareholders of the issuer at the Depository Center at the end of the trading session that precedes the General Assembly meeting and in accordance with the rules and regulations. The right to register attendance for the Assembly meeting ends at the time of the Assembly meeting, and the right to vote on the Assembly items for those present ends when the screening committee finishes categorizing voices.
Quorum for Convening the General Assembly's Meeting According to Article (34) of the company’s bylaws, the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting will not be valid unless it is attended by shareholders representing at least half of the company’s shares that have voting rights. If this quorum is not present at the first meeting, the second meeting will be held one hour after the end of the period specified for the meeting first meeting. In all cases, the second meeting is considered valid if it is attended by a number of shareholders representing at least a quarter of the company’s shares that have voting rights.
General Assembly Meeting Agenda 1. Vote on the company’s Auditor’s report for the financial year ending on December 31, 2023, AD after discussing it. 2. Viewing the Board of Directors’ report for the financial year ending on December 31, 2023, AD, and discussing it. 3. Review and discuss the company’s financial statements for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2023. 4. Vote on discharging the members of the Board of Directors from their liabilities for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2023, AD. 5. 5. Vote on appointing an auditor for the company from among the candidates based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee; This is to examine, review, and audit the financial statements for the first half ending on June 30, 2024, and the annual ending on December 31, 2024, and determine his fees. 6. Vote on disbursing an amount of (795,000) seven hundred and ninety-five thousand riyals as a reward to members of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year ending on 12/31/2023 AD. 7. Vote on amending the company’s governance regulations (attached). 8. Voting on the participation of the Managing Director and CEO, Mr. Eyad Abdullah Suleiman Mashat, in a business competing with the company’s business. (attached)" 9. Voting on the participation of Board Member, Ms. Tala Eyad Abdullah Mashat, in a business competing with the company’s business. (attached)" 10. Voting on the business and contracts concluded between the company (and Al-Mashat establishment- in which the Managing Director, Mr. Eyad Abdullah Mashat) has an indirect interest as he is the son of the owner of the organization, which is (clothing sales), noting that the contract began in the year 2017 AD and the value of the transactions during the year 2023 AD is an amount of (3,299,293) SAR (debit transactions), and the value of the amount paid during the year 2023 AD is an amount of (4,305,674) SAR (credit transactions), and the final balance for the year 2023 AD is (1,073,288) SAR (attached). 11. Voting on the business and contracts concluded between the company (Fad China Company - in which the Managing Director, Mr. Eyad Abdullah Mashat) has an indirect interest as the owner of the capital, which is (reimbursement of expenses), noting that the contract began in the year 2023 and the value of the transactions during the year 2023 AD is an amount of (3,131,815) SAR (debit transactions), and the value of the amount paid during the year 2023 AD is an amount of (3,052,319) SAR (credit transactions), and the final balance for the year 2023 AD is (101,092) SAR (attached). 12. Voting on the business and contracts concluded between the company (Femi9 Bahrain establishment- in which the Managing Director, Mr. Eyad Abdullah Mashat) has an indirect interest as he is the owner of the institution, which is (clothing sales), noting that the contract began in the year 2023 and the value of the transactions during the year 2023 AD is an amount of (2,247,011) SAR (debit transactions), and the value of the amount paid during the year 2023 AD is an amount of (1,726,333) SAR (credit transactions), and the final balance for the year 2023 AD is (1,610,380) SAR (attached). 13. Vote on amending Article (3) of the company’s bylaws related to the company’s purposes (attached). 14. Voting on amending Article (17) of the company’s bylaws related to company management (attached). 15. Vote on amending the company’s bylaws in accordance with the new companies’ bylaws, and rearranging and numbering the bylaws’ articles; To comply with the proposed amendments (attached).
Proxy Form
The shareholder right in discussing the assembly agenda topics, asking questions, and exercising the voting right Honorable shareholders have the right to discuss the topics included in the agenda of the Extraordinary General Assembly and ask questions, noting that voting in Tadawulaty services is available free of charge to all shareholders using the following link: http://tadawulaty.com.sa
Details of the electronic voting on the Assembly’s agenda Registered Shareholders in Tadawulati services can vote electronically remotely on the assembly’s items starting at 1:00 a.m. on Sunday 25/11/1445 AH corresponding to 02/06/2024 AD until the end of the meeting time. Registration and voting in Tadawulati services will be available and free to all shareholders using the following link: www.tadawulaty.com.sa
Method of Communication in Case of Any Enquiries In case of any inquiries, please contact us via email at info@fadint.com Or by phone: +966122616111
Attached Documents              

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